
The Provost’s Teaching Academy seeks to be a key driver of UO’s teaching culture, advancing a vision of undergraduate education that’s inclusive, engaged, and research-led—both inflected by UO’s research mission and connected to research on how people learn. Academy members are recipients of distinguished teaching and advising awards, faculty who’ve participated in UO’s premiere teaching development activities, and members of our small, topical Communities for Accelerated Impact of Teaching (CAITs)—faculty learning communities that investigate topics of timely interest through lenses of both pedagogical and institutional change.

The Teaching Academy recognizes teaching excellence as the lynchpin of urgent campus priorities: supporting student success, enriching the undergraduate experience, revitalizing the core curriculum. Thus, the Teaching Academy’s active, six-person board came together across disparate units to address a pressing need for a coherent and shared understanding of what teaching excellence means and to be a forum for enculturating and advocating for, as one of our members put it, the “value and dignity of great teaching.”

Advisory Board:
  • Ron Bramhall, Associate Vice Provost for Academic Excellence
  • Helen Chu, Associate Dean of Libraries and Chief Academic Technology Officer
  • Sierra Dawson, Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Sr. Lecturer II, Human Physiology
  • Lee Rumbarger, Assistant Vice Provost for Teaching Engagement, Director, Teaching Engagement Program
  • Josh Snodgrass, Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies, Professor of Anthropology
  • Elly Vandegrift, Associate Director, Science Literacy Program, Sr. Instructor, Biology